9 Nov 2007

Welcome to our blog

We have set this blog up so we can give you far more information than can be placed on our main web site.

We provide quality horse racing betting selections for the UK race meetings and believe we are one of the best around.

So far out of over 400 "tipsters", we have consistantly proved to be in the top 3, a feat which is quite rare among the competition, and something we are quite understandably proud of.

Of course you can go back to the "proofing" sites and double check/verify, its only natural but we hope you will come back, sooner rather than later because the statistics dont lie, and we know what its like trying to find a good service (been there and worn the rain mac).

Many betting services around today will offer you a service that claims hundreds of points profit every year, what they dont like to tell you is you might be laying horses rather than backing them, what this means for the punter is they will need a very large bank to make the kind of profits that they claim to make, heres an example;

We back a horse at a starting price of 10/1 for 10 pounds, if it loses we lose 10 pounds, if a laying service tells you to lay a horse for 10 pounds then your liability will be 100 pounds, meaning you lose 100 pounds, not 10.

Ok, so in real terms if a backing bank of 1000 pounds is used and we want our maximum liability to be 2% or 20 pounds we would back every horse for 20 pounds.
Now using the same starting bank but for laying instead of backing and we use the same liability, IE 20 pounds, you would now only be placing 2 pounds down to lay the 10/1 horse, so if you win the bet you would make 2 pounds and if you lost the bet you would lose 20 pounds, hopefully now you can see how deceptive "laying" profits can be.

We strive to offer our clients an honest and profitable service, the selections used on the main service are for "Backing" only. The profits generated each year are genuine and freely obtainable using the Betting Exchanges, all our results are clearly proofed to two independent services here and here who we have no contact with other than in a proffesional manner.

The latter service used for proofing is "Place" only proofed and this has only begun very recently.